Visitor Information
Thank you so much for joining us today.

Welcome! The Oasis Tabernacle congregation invites you to join us, as we celebrate and share the abundant life given to us as God's children.
Our services open at 9:30am with prayer and general announcements.
Children ages 5-12 are dismissed for Sunday school classes. (Each month we alternate for the children to stay in during singing or preaching.)
Visiting children are welcome to attend Sunday School classes! Speak with one of the ushers when you arrive to find out more information.
Directly after the opening announcements, praise and worship is led by the Oasis Singers.
An offering is received during a specified time after the praise and worship time. There is no obligation to contribute.
After the song service, a sermon is given by one of our church leaders.
The service sometimes ends with another song or so.
Generally, the full service concludes by 12:00pm.
Infants/Nursery—It’s important to us to maintain reverence in the sanctuary. We love to praise the Lord with noise and raising our hands, however, we ask that crying infants be taken out of the sanctuary as soon as possible to reduce distraction for others.
Ladies’ Headcovering—You may notice that many of the women at Oasis Tabernacle wear a head covering of some sort during the service. This is an application of the teaching of 1 Corinthians 11. This is not a test of membership nor is it an obligation.
With any questions about anything, please connect with an usher, who should be available near one of the entrances to the sanctuary.
If you wish to see our Statement of Faith, check here.